Colleton Software Logo
is located  in
Walterboro, SC.

NEMSIS Compliant

NEMSIS Gold Compliant Star

Colleton Software
has achieved
Nemsis Gold Software
for our
MICS software products.

For South Carolina NEMSIS FAQ's conversion click here or you can visit the website at:
EMS Perfomance Improvement Center.

Or you can call Colleton Software at 1-800-874-3617 or 1-843-549-3444

Technical Support Picture We offer technical support to all of our clients.
To know more about our technical support click HERE.


Non-Emergent Transport System (NETS) software provides any service with a paperless means of providing unit call logs for alternative transportation for non-ambulatory patients. NETS is designed to assist those services that provide transportation for trips to and from the physician's office, dialysis centers and outpatient clinics, etc. by wheelchair van.

Colleton Software's Non-Emergent Transport System (NETS) software was designed for specifically for non emergency transportation service providers. NETS provides a paperless means of providing unit call logs to assist those service providers who provide wheelchair and stretcher transportation to and from the physician's office, dialysis centers and outpatient clinics, etc.

NETS, new and improved,  has a large user-friendly interface to facilitate rapid data entry.

Now it's easier than ever to enter new patients!

With NETS you can:
Import calls
Create updates
Export billing data
Export state data (DHEC, NEMSIS etc.)

Print detailed reports!

For more information contact
Dave Pickren (864) 316-9966

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